The Battle Within
I'm not anybody famous or special, I don't have a huge social media following, I am definitely not an eloquent or witty speaker and I'm not the greatest writer either. I've always been fairly shy, an introvert who didn't particularly like small talk or mindless chit chat and would never pick one side or the other in any discussion, especially on those controversial topics like politics, immigration, abortion and religion. I do like to think of myself as empathetic, someone who can see both sides of an argument and always looks for a compromise, a peacekeeper if you will, and as such I would always keep my opinions to myself.
But there is one thing I can't keep silent on, because I know with certainty that, "God's Not Dead"
Why should you listen to me? I have a PhD in earth science, I should believe that the earth is 4.6 billion years old. I'm the biggest fence wavering "doubting Thomas" out there. I like to look at all sides of an argument and have all the facts before I take a firm stand. But then some key events that occurred and circumstances that I experienced in my life led me to seek out answers to life's big questions, like, is there really a God and what on earth am I here for?
My search led me somewhere I never imagined existed, and I'm still learning, seeking and growing in faith. Once you know the truth, it's undeniable and I would urge you seek for yourself the infinite treasure chest that is a relationship with the creator of the universe.
There are unseen forces at play in this world that will try to prevent you from ever finding this treasure and although once found it can never be taken from you, those same forces will try to prevent you from sharing the gift that is free to anyone who will believe. Doubts and fears will creep in and attempt to hold you hostage and prevent you from being an effective witness. This has absolutely been my experience! The purpose of this website is to provide you with the resources that have helped me to navigate the battle both within and without and share my faith with the world.
The image below was drawn while reading the books by Donna Partow called "Becoming the Woman I Want to Be. " and "Becoming the Woman God Wants me to Be." and while taking her on-line courses at Women's Empowerment University.
Roots and Fruits: The seeds that you sow in life will produce a harvest. Be careful to plant good life giving seed so that you might reap a good and fruitful harvest. If we are fearful or anxious, angry or negative, depressed and self-absorbed we will hurt not only ourselves but also the people around us and those that we love. If we trust, believe, hope, seek truth and pray we will receive strength and courage and feel a peace and joy that surpasses understanding, and our ability to speak good life giving words and act kindly towards ourselves and others will increase.